
Bôroom Dakar

Subsidiary of Bôroom Immobilier based in Paris, Bôroom Dakar is a major actor of the high end real estate in Senegal. Our rental properties have been entirely renovated and furnished with taste. Our new properties for sale have quality finishes. The location being a key criterion in real estate, our properties are located in the most popular areas of the cities where we are established.

Mermoz | Dakar




Dakar Paris Bordeaux Toulouse


From our Clients

J’ai toujours voulu investir dans l’immobilier mais je ne savais par où commencer. Les équipes de Bôroom Immobilier avec leur expérience et leur connaissance du marché immobilier m’ont aidé à trouver le bien idéal. Du logement à la mise en location en passant par le financement et les travaux, ils ont tout ce qu’il vous faut pour réussir.
by Brigitte K.
Paris, France
I have always thought that investing in people, yields rewards. That is nowhere more true than with the individuals I met at Bôroom. Led by Fatou, who has a very impressive business background, I was immediately put at ease – knowing that I was in the right hands. I would not hesitate to work with her and her team again
by Ephra K.
Merci pour votre réactivité Bôroom Immobilier! vous avez cerné mes attentes, je suis conquis et ferai de nouveau appel à vous en début de année prochaine si tout se passe bien . Merci encore madame efficace
by Ouahab D.
Viroflay, France
What struck me first when reviewing the Bôroom website was how well-done the renovations were. At first, I wasn’t certain they were real! Having spoken with the Bôroom team, and having visited these sites, I can assure you that they are. It made my decision to work with them a no-brainer
by Sonal D.
Boston, USA

Bôroom Dakar

Mermoz | Dakar

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